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cPanel Hosting

Never used cPanel before? Don't worry, we've covered the basics here. cPanel also has a complete user guide, available from within your cPanel interface.

  1. Accessing your control panel
    1. Log into your account using your username and password.
    2. Locate the Administer/Upgrade Domain along the left hand side of the page.
    3. Search for or select the domain from the drop down, click Administer.
    4. Click cPanel.
    5. Click Manage Account.
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  2. Email setup and management
    1. Locate Email Accounts.
    2. Type the email address to be created in the Email field.
    3. If you manage more than one domain, make sure to select the appropriate domain from the drop-down menu.
    4. Type the password in the Password field.
    5. Retype the password in the Password (again) field.
    6. Type the quota in the Mailbox Quota field. The quota defines how much hard drive space the account will be allowed to use.
    7. Click Create Account.

    Existing addresses are displayed in a table. Using this table, it is possible to:

    • See how much disk space the account uses.
    • Change a password.
    • Change a quota limit.
    • Delete an email address.
    • Access an account through webmail.
    • Configure a mail client.
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  3. Updating DNS zones (A, CNAME Records)
    1. Locate Simple DNS Editor
    2. To add an A record:
      1. Select a domain from the drop-down menu.
      2. Type in the Name and Address of the A record.
      3. Click Add A Record.
    3. To add a CNAME record:
      1. Select a domain from the drop-down menu.
      2. Type in the Name and CNAME of the CNAME record.
      3. Click Add CNAME Record.
    4. To delete an A or CNAME record:
      1. Click Delete next to the record you wish to remove.
      2. Click Delete to confirm that the record should be deleted.
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  4. Updating DNS zones (MX Records)
    1. Locate MX Entry
    2. To add an MX record:
      1. Under Add New Record, set the new MX entry.
      2. In the Destination text box, type the hostname of the new mail exchanger.
      3. Click Add New Record.
    3. To delete an MX entry:
      1. Click Delete next to the appropriate MX entry, in the MX Records list.
      2. Confirm that the entry should be deleted by clicking Delete again.
    4. To edit an MX entry:
      1. Click Edit next to the appropriate MX entry, in the MX Records list.
      2. Change the Priority or Destination as needed.
      3. Confirm that the entry should be changed by clicking Edit again.
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  5. FTP and configuration options
    1. Locate FTP Accounts
    2. To add an FTP account:
      1. Enter a username.
      2. In the Password box, type the account password.
      3. Retype the password in the Password (Again) box.
      4. Specify the FTP account's home directory.
      5. Set the disk space quota. The Quota field determines how much disk space will be allocated to the FTP account.
      6. Click Create FTP Account.
    3. To connect via FTP, see the cPanel FTP Configuration document.
    4. To upload your website:
      1. Download FileZilla (Recommended) or an equivalent FTP program.
      2. Launch FileZilla from your computer.
      3. Complete the following fields, and then click Quickconnect:
        1. Host: Your FTP hostname, commonly ftp.domainname.tld
        2. Username: Your FTP username
        3. Password: Your FTP password
        4. Port: 21
      4. Once connected, FileZilla will display the contents of your hosting account, you can drag your website from your computer to FileZilla to begin the upload of your website.
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  6. Database setup and management
    1. Locate MySQL Databases.
    2. To create a database:
      1. In the New Database field, type a name for the database.
      2. Click Create Database.
      3. Click Go Back.
    3. To create a database user:
      1. Under Add New User, enter a username.
      2. Enter a password in the Password field.
      3. Retype the password in the Password (Again) field.
      4. Click Create User.
    4. To define a user's privileges:
      1. Under Add User to Database, select a user from the User drop-down menu.
      2. From the Database drop-down menu, select the database to which you wish to allow the user access.
      3. Click Add.
      4. From the MySQL Account Maintenance screen, select the privileges you wish to grant the user, or select ALL PRIVILEGES.
      5. Click Make Changes.
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